Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weird thoughts...

I never thought I would spend my 8th wedding anniversary at a health club doing cardio and loving it. But I did! Friday marked my 8th anniversary and we decided to celebrate by going to dinner and working off the food we ate. Which is strange because in our lives neither one of us has ever enjoyed working out, but we did enjoy time by ourselves (which never happens since we have four kids!) and we have been enjoying having success in loosing weight. I know I weigh less now than I have in years and my wife says she hasnt weighed this much since before we had kids. So hooray! We have also figured out lots of really good meals that are good for us and even the kids LOVE them! But the no sugar thing is going to suck, I mean talk about peeing in my cheerios! I can live without soda and fast food but you take the sugar out of my coffee in the morning and I might go postal! I would use honey but I hate it and every other sweetner I have tried suck.

((((This is my Poke at Brandon)))) POKE haha you got poked!

Bye all I will get back to you for the weigh in on FRIDAY!!! (Have the money ready) yeah right...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Just doing it

So today marks a mile stone. According to the pain in the ass scale in my bathroom I have finally lost 10 lbs. Hooray! Finally all this crazy stuff is paying off. I did not do well with the water challenge and my wife did, which if you read my previous blog you know this makes me an idiot! I thought that would be cake for me but it was not. This weeks challenge on the other hand I think will be tough, not because I have a hard time checking lables but because when I make a meal I do not take the time to do the math and add it all up. My wife was putting it all into the computer for a few days but we are both finding it a lot of work and we are lazy didn't last very long. But these challenges seem to motivate my wife so maybe it will happen, you never know. This is the point in my blog where I would comment about some terrible really yummy food because I am stronger than the food, but my wife is sick of reading it (since she is not stronger than it) so I won't this time. I dont think I will even pick on Brandon this week. It must be that I lost 10lbs and Im happy or something, either that or I am drunk...mmmm empty calories. I Love You Guys!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

week 2 blog

Hello, goodbye, this week sucked!

That was a joke but really there is somehting to be said about loosing a ton a weight one week and the staying the same for another entire week. It kinda makes you want a warm fudge brownie with mint ice cream on top, oh well. I am still exercising and eating right, I guess I should trust my body to do what it needs to do. Somebody told me that one morning I will wake up having lost 5lbs, so my fingers are crossed.

This weeks water challenge is awesome! Water is a great thing, if I am still saying that in a week I am a little nuts. Really its just funny because in the 12 years I have known my wife I have never once seen her optionally drink water. So where it might be easy for so I know she will be sweatin'. a little entertainment is always good. My water goal will be 90oz or 5 1/2 water bottles. (I will be reusing the same bottle, I wont waste that much plastic)

Also light work this week means more exercise at home, YAY ;0/ ! At least I dont have chocolate cake with yummy ganache and 200 cal. cookies laying all over my house, hows that treatin' ya Brandon?

See ya next week, goodluck!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pics...I guess

No soda, No beer, make Justin go crazy!

Not really. It really hasnt been that hard to give up soda or beer, which was a surprise. I thought giving up soda was going to be hard but my will power and drive to loose my man boobs has quickly overpowered the sodas allure. But...P90X is kicking my not so limber ass! Leaving me sore from head to toe and ready for bed every night. Good bye sex life (as if I had one)! Oh well... The battle has been good so far. I have even steped up my weights already (Im not using my wifes anymore). My next challenge will be controlling these blasted fast food urges...mmm McRibb

Good Luck everyone (except brandon)